
Oberon system star citizen
Oberon system star citizen

oberon system star citizen oberon system star citizen oberon system star citizen

In the decades before the UNE was formed, regulations regarding the discovery of new systems were very much still in their nascent days. A salvage vessel found the wreck days later and since no governing body controlled Nul space, the vessel exerted salvaging rights to claim the valuable navdata it found in the shattered ship as its own. Though the Lindy eventually emerged back in Nul, the ship’s hull had been horribly damaged en route and sadly the crew had all expired. Unfortunately, while traversing a new jump tunnel was, and still is, dangerous work, the return trip could be equally lethal due to the limited capacity of navigation computer systems of the time. The Lindy crew, excited that their payday had finally arrived, completed their initial scans and charted their return trip to Nul. What was left orbiting in the wake of that chaotic event was the core of the former partner white dwarf star, now known as Oberon I, and six other planets that had formed out of the debris of whatever planets had originally been in the system before. Formerly a binary star system, approximately 1.4 billion years ago the main star went supernova, gravitationally collapsing and stripping the outer layers of its companion. Small and dense, it turned out to have twice the mass of most G-type main sequence stars despite having a solar radius that is just a fraction of the size. They successfully traversed through interspace and found on the other side a new system anchored by a neutron star. The crew of the Lindy had been exploring the outreaches of Nul since 2348 and their reserve of funds had nearly run dry, when in 2356 their scanners picked up a faint anomaly that would reveal itself to be a jump point.

oberon system star citizen

The ship that discovered the first jump point to Oberon was one such tragedy despite their success in locating a new system. While the media liked to create the romantic image of the explorer’s life, for every success story like NavJumper Antoine Lebec, there were dozens more who lost everything, including their lives, hunting for new jump points. The “Golden Age of Expansion” was officially underway with hundreds of ships scouring known space, hoping to push the boundaries of Humanity even farther. As the Tarsus quantum drive mod became more readily available at the turn of the 23rd century, new exploration companies were formed, eager to reap the benefits from discovering a system. From its very first days, Oberon has always been a system that beckoned those seeking wealth and fortune, only to time and again leave them destitute.

Oberon system star citizen